Okay, I've been awful about posting regularly. My apologies. Life has been...well, you know.
A has said recently that he "would like to work part-time and make some money. And learn about stocks." Which is a refreshing change from, "I want to play in a band." Of course, he can do both. So, we've been brainstorming about job ideas: make a product and sell it (his friend Avi sells home-made soap on the street in the Lower East Side), work part-time at CBGB, or something else. Recently, we had electrical issues in our apartment, and he chatted up the electrician. "Mom, did you know that electricians make $43 an hour while they're in electrician college? And you can travel ANYWHERE you want with electrician skills!"
Really? I replied.
A is getting very good at HTML programming and I have succumed to his request to purchase Flash animation software. Perhaps he will be a self-made Flash website programmer like
this self-taught flash animation designer.
I would love to have our classroom set up in her studio building, by the way, but it looks like we might settle for Long Island City. Who knows.We plan to see Shakespeare's
As You Like It featured at Public Theater beginning June 25 (
it's free!). SparkNotes
No Fear Shakespeare will be our guide until we see the live production. We hope the
lucifers come out to the bushes to keep us company, as they did last summer...
Ernie Fritz, the documentary filmmaker who has been involved in my Big Project, caught me talking about homeschooling. Ernie frequents the theater an awful lot. And he updates me on the shows he sees. I wish for A to become as interested in theater. We really are very lucky to have the type of entertainment that we do here in New York City.
Curriculum has taken a while to "gel" so please be patient while we figure out what we're using this time around (it's still classical-based). Homeschoolers get the luxury of figuring out, by trial and error, what instruction actually works instead of being chained down to a set type of textbook or publishing house or software.
And that's just the way we like it.