
Hollaback Girl.

Cost of 6 plane tickets from NYC to Miami for VMA weekend: $1,950.00.
Cost of shipping photo exhibit of 86 images in frames from NYC to Miami for VMA party: $350.00.
Cost of hotel for 6 on South Beach in Miami during VMA weekend for 2 nights: $3,500.00
Cost of press release and promotions for VMA party goers to get the attention we deserve: $1,500 plus a few cups of Starbucks coffee.
Cost of setting up generators during visit from Katrina in Miami: ??
Cost of cleaning up leakage in Miami hotel during visit from Katrina in Miami: ??
Cost of deciding to stay home in NYC in light of the power-outage and leakage in hotel complications that were called in to our crew of six people just yesterday morning, not inclusive of Tylenol and Motrin-popping: priceless.

And this morning I checked my e-mail to find a Very Long A-List of people you have definitely heard of, confirmed to attend our non-VMA party. More Tylenol, please.

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