
Concerto in G.

ISEE, SHSAT, Bard test, LaGuardia audition, SSAT this Sunday, possibly re-take the ISEE, school interviews and tours start tomorrow morning at 8:45 a.m. ["And your son goes to school where?" "He's a homeschooler. Privately tutored," I say, to up the "elitist" factor, depending on the school], but the Physics tutor needed to reschedule today to tomorrow, talking on the phone with Eva Rado at Dalton and pretending their teachers behaved perfectly fine with me on Open House day ["Where does your son currently go to school?"], and I am calling boarding schools on the west coast that let you keep a horse while you are there.

I am not frazzled. No.

But I want my mommy.

If I could provide the mp3 link to Concerto in G by Roger Neill, I'd offer it to you. It coincides perfectly with my madness. You can download it on iTunes.

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