
Hey, Ho, please let Mike Brown GO (far away from D.C.)

By LARA JAKES JORDAN, Associated Press Writer Tue Sep 27, 3:22 AM ET

WASHINGTON - "Embattled former FEMA director Michael Brown says he was initially unaware of desperate conditions at the New Orleans Convention Center because it was not a planned Hurricane Katrina evacuation site, according to a congressional memo.

After learning from television about the thousands of evacuees who gathered at the center, Brown ordered food and water be delivered there. But Brown, who on Tuesday faces a House inquiry into the government's slow response to the Aug. 29 disaster, told congressional aides that "there is no reason FEMA would have known about it beforehand."

Brother, it is your business to pick up the phone and find out what people are doing. How did *you* not know?

"Brown, who ran FEMA for more than two years, has a two-week "transition" remaining at the agency, during which he will advise the department on "some of his views on his experience with Katrina," Homeland security spokesman Russ Knocke said. He is receiving full pay."

Dude, you are *getting paid* to tell folks that you made mistakes, and to testify that you didn't know anything? Who do I call about this one?

In other news, my friend Donna is quoted yet *again* in another New York Times article. Note to La Mai: be seen in more quotes!

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