
The College Survey resumes...

I began the College Survey in November, then the holidays impeded my fact-finding. I have organized the responses obtained from nine colleges thus far into a neat little column (currently under the blog list, but that will change). I expect it to grow as I aggressively attempt to get answers from institutions of higher learning about their views and acceptance rates on homeschooling applicants.

I have a question for the parents: Do you prefer to read stories aloud to your kids, or make up stories as you go along?


la Maitresse said...

Uh, huh. Don't everyone answer at all once.

I'll go first: A would ask me to make up stories during bedtime. So we rarely did bedtime reading together. Every night, I had to make up a new story, or continue the last story if he really liked it.

M said...

I read books aloud to [my] Alexander, a chapter at a time during the day. But when he's a cranky pants, I'll put him on my shoulder and make stuff up. (Or embroider known fairy tales.) Who knows how it'll be when he's older?

Andrea R said...

We read at least 3 stories every night to Emma. I can't stand it. Everyone has to take a turn. :)
Sometimes we make stuff up. She calls these invisible stories.

Janet said...

As a teacher but not a parent, I think either one has its value just as long as there is a healthy mix. I work in a school where more often than not neither approach is occuring, and it shows.

Congrats on your nomination!

L said...

Hey there!

I read to them. My lack of imagination when put on the spot is a shortcoming. But in my defense, I do all the voices and have been known to continue for several pages even after nodding off.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I remember the days when my oldest two were little and I was going through my Steiner phase, so I made up 'Thomas and Madeleine' stories every night, where they were the heroes in a highly improbable Enid-Blyton-meets-Douglas-Adams type universe...

Mostly though, I just read stories, because it takes a lot less brain power, and I flatter myself that I do the voices reeeeeally well. But there is something about being the hero of your own universe...maybe I will have to start that again with the current two little ones...